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The Sittings
Seasonal Supper Clubs

The Sitting
A seasonal supper club

Tomato feast
This April, we're planting both figurative and literal seeds for a beautiful Tomato Feast in September. 

It's going to be amazing!

Stay tuned...
The thirD sitting | Mar 2024
🍋 Lemon
Our third sitting took a deep dive into all things lemon.

Each dish focussed on versatility of lemons, telling a story of passing down family recipes and preserving knowledge.

These were recipes and techniques collected from and influenced by remarkable women.

Not professional chefs, but mothers, cooks, and caretakers with magic in their hands.

We don't want to forget their understanding of food passed down through generations.
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Our third sitting took a deep dive into all things lemon. Each dish focussed on versatility of lemons, telling a story of passing down family recipes and preserving knowledge.

These were recipes and techniques collected from and influenced by remarkable women.

Not professional chefs, but mothers, cooks, and caretakers with magic in their hands.

We don't want to forget their understanding of food passed down through generations.
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The second sitting | sep 2023
🌽 Maize
We [re]discovered the roots and potentials of maize, a culturally significant yet humble vegetable, fruit, and grain.

Maize has traveled the globe wrapped up in histories of conquest and empire. 

For most Europeans this context is lost and the connection to the food we eat has been severed, corn is simply something eaten from the can or popped in cinemas. 
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We [re]discovered the roots and potentials of maize, a culturally significant yet humble vegetable, fruit, and grain.

Maize has traveled the globe wrapped up in histories of conquest and empire. 

For most Europeans this context is lost and the connection to the food we eat has been severed, corn is simply something eaten from the can or popped in cinemas. 
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The FIRST sitting | jun 2023
The First Sitting was an invitation to a group of flinta* people to gather, eat, and discuss a text or idea, sharing stories and experiences.

Curious eaters and makers got together around the table for a six course root-to-fruit artichoke feast.

We talked food as sustenance, food as play, food as power.
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The first sitting | jun 2023
💚 Artichoke
The First Sitting was an invitation to a group of flinta* people to gather, eat, and discuss a text or idea, sharing stories and experiences.

Curious eaters and makers got together around the table for a six course root-to-fruit artichoke feast.

We talked food as sustenance, food as play, food as power.
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the next Sitting!
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